
During the beginning of the year, I wrote the string quartet Flyg! It is finally finished and is written for the Monbijou Quartet. The premiere takes place in Ljungby on July 15.

March 16 2023 my grandmother Märta let go of life.
She was 92 years old and loved life.
She was hospitalised the last weeks of her life and we visited her every day. In the penultimate week, she clung to life. She wanted to keep living.
On the night of her death, when no relatives were at her side,
she seized the opportunity and let go.

The piece is based on a traditional folk song.

Flyg över land och sjö, flyg väst om skogarne! Där drill tranorne, där flyger svalorna.
Där är det vackert mindsommar väder.

- Traditional lullaby from Dalarna, Sweden.


String arrangement for Felicia Eklöf and Malva Quartet


Trio Wolski´s new project